Articles By This Author


2024 Unveiled: A Roller Coaster Ride in the Music Industry.

The year 2024 in the music industry has been nothing short of dramatic, filled with highs and lows, triumphs, and unexpected twists. From Grammy snubs


Top Picks: Soundpool’s Top Projects of 2023

The rhythmic cadence of 2023 in the music world was not just a mere passage of time; it was an
unfolding saga that urged us to reassess our musical compass…..

Tim Lyre

Tim Lyre’s ‘Masta’ – A Journey Through Sonic Brilliance

Tim Lyre, the musical maven hailing from the vibrant streets of Lagos, Nigeria, whose latest EP,
“Masta,” is not just a collection of songs but…

First Klaz One To Watch

One To Watch – First Klaz

Emerging from the vibrant city of Abuja, Nigeria, is a rising star whose music transcendsboundaries and reshapes the future of Afrobeats. Meet Justice Esla Joseph,

One To Watch Soulaar SoundPool

One To Watch – Soulaar

Solafunmi Yemi Olowolabi, popularly known as, Söulaar is a modern Renaissance figureseamlessly blending technology and music, earning him the title of music’s new Wonderboy.Söulaar crafts


Behind the Music – The Untold Story of Psycho YP’s ‘Osapa London

In the mesmerizing realm of music, the birth of a masterpiece is a tale woven with threads of passion, creativity, and relentless devotion. Enter “Osapa


Taking a Deep Dive into the Music Industry with Next-Gen Music Platforms

In a world where technology and music collide, the way we experience and engage with music has undergone a profound transformation. Gone are the days

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