One To Watch - Ohla

Epic Linkup of Nigeria’s favorite Duo; Simi & Falz on ‘Borrow Me Your Baby’

One To Watch Ohla Ireti Holo, hails from the vibrant state of Ondo in Nigeria, and she stands out as a gifted artist known for seamlessly blending diverse genre

First Klaz One To Watch

One To Watch – First Klaz

Emerging from the vibrant city of Abuja, Nigeria, is a rising star whose music transcendsboundaries and reshapes the future of Afrobeats. Meet Justice Esla Joseph,

One To Watch Soulaar SoundPool

One To Watch – Soulaar

Solafunmi Yemi Olowolabi, popularly known as, Söulaar is a modern Renaissance figureseamlessly blending technology and music, earning him the title of music’s new Wonderboy.Söulaar crafts

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